Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Biofuels Panel

I forgot my camera yesterday, so unfortunately I don't have any pictures from the NAMA-Ag Club meeting. But you'll have to trust me that we had a great turnout -- nearly 60 people!

And no wonder -- renewable fuels is certainly a hot topic for the ag industry today. Attendees had the opportunity to hear an updates from David Sparks, regional manager for CoBank; John Kleiboeker, director of field services for the American Soybean Association; and Chris Standlee, executive vice president of Abengoa Bioenergy Corporation.

Mr. Sparks provided an overview of the risks and considerations involved in financing a biofuels production facilty. Mr Kleiboeker focused on the role of biodiesel and expansion efforts taking place here in Missouri, and Mr. Standlee discussed the growth of ethanol production and how Abengoa's research & development efforts were helping to expand this.

Special thanks to our sponsors for the meeting -- the National Biodiesel Board and the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council. If you would like additional information on this topic or on any of the speakers, please contact us at

Our next luncheon meeting is set for January 10, 2006. Stay tuned for additional details.

National News Update

Chuck caught me at the National NAMA Board Meeting in Kansas City (I tried to hide from his camera, but it never works.) Here's a brief update on some of the issues discussed.

1) If you haven't already heard, the 2006 NAMA Convention & Trade Show will be held in Kansas City in April. (The hotel we had originally booked in New Orleans will not be repaired in time.) Special task forces have been created to give a fresh eye to the Best of NAMA Awards Ceremony and the Trade Show -- and we brainstormed some ideas to reinvigorate these aspects of the convention. If you have ideas or suggestions -- please pass them along.

2) Chuck is right -- we did vote to change our fiscal year to match the calendar year. (It previously ended in May.) But this shouldn't affect much for our members.

3) We also discussed the continuing role of NAMA Advocates in helping to boost membership. If you would like more info on becoming an advocate, please contact myself or Chuck. And as always, we encourage you to bring friends and colleagues to a meeting so they can see what NAMA means for themselves.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Becky At The Board Meeting

Becky At The Board MeetingOur fearless leader attended the NAMA board meeting in Kansas City. I'm sure they discussed weighty matters and made very important decisions. Here's Becky Rasmussen, staying awake with a soda.

You'll have to get a report from her though on what was accomplished. I think I heard that NAMA changed its fiscal year to the calendar year and talked about the strategic plan that's been in the works, etc.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

November Meeting On Renewable Fuels

Renewable Fuels Panel Discussion - It’s Here …. Now What Does it Mean For Us?

Another joint meeting of the Gateway Chapter of the National Agri-Marketing Association & The St. Louis Agri-Business Club

Where: Sheraton Westport at 900 Westport Plaza.
When: Tuesday, November 15th
Time: Networking reception begins at 11:30 a.m., followed by lunch and the featured program at noon.

How to Register: Contact or call 636/449-5040. Registration is $20 and will be collected at the door.

Renewable Fuels Panel Discussion

From producers to investors to industry researchers, increasing attention is focused on the role of renewable fuels, such as biodiesel and ethanol. Industry experts will discuss the impact of these technologies, how they will affect other agribusinesses and what’s coming on the horizon.


Mr. Chris Standlee, Executive Vice president
Abengoa Bioenergy Corporation
Chesterfield, MO
Chris represents the second largest biofuels producer in the world. Their USA headquarters has been in Chesterfield for four years. They own and operate a number of facilities in different areas of the USA as well as in Europe. Abengoa is a leader in production technologies and research in the uses of several grains and other biomass products as sources of biofuels.

Mr. John Kleiboeker
Director of Field Services
Missouri Soybean Association
Jefferson City, MO
John has been involved in the development of soy biodiesel for a number of years. He currently spends 80% of his time on biodiesel development. Not only will John talk about industry trends, he will help us understand how soybeans become fuel and how the product reaches the end user.

Mr. David Sparks
Regional Manager, CoBank
St. Louis, MO
Think biofuels are small business? Think again! CoBank is one of the largest, if not the largest, financing organization of this rapidly expanding industrial use of farm products. To date CoBank is involved in over 30 biofuels facilities. David will help us understand the economics and the intense interest in one of the hottest growth areas impacting agriculture today.