Tuesday, January 17, 2006

February Meeting Announced

The Gateway Chapter of NAMA and the St. Louis Agri Business Club Present…

Deborah Perkins“Global Agriculture – Current Issues and Future Trends” – presented by Deborah Perkins, Executive Director, Head, Food & Agribusiness Research, of Rabobank International, New York

Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Time: 11:30 reception/registration; noon lunch & program
Location: Room East C on the Lobby Level of the Sheraton Plaza Tower, Westport
Cost: $20 per person
Register: Reserve your spot for this meeting by e-mailing gatewaynama@yahoo.com or calling 636/449-5040 by February 10.
Sponsor: Rabo AgriFinance (www.raboag.com)

Deborah Perkins joined Rabobank International’s Sydney office in September 2000, where she managed Rabobank’s Australian Food & Agribusiness Research (FAR) team. The Australian FAR department is part of Rabobank International’s global FAR department, which consists of 50 researchers and industry analysts with a wealth of knowledge of the various food and agribusiness sectors. These analysts are based in Australia, Asia, North and South America and Europe.

In January 2004, Ms Perkins relocated to New York where she heads up the FAR team for North America. In this role, Ms Perkins is responsible for undertaking strategic research into the issues facing the food and agribusiness sectors, and ensuring that the research activities of the department support the business objectives of the bank.

Prior to joining Rabobank, Ms Perkins worked for Bank of Western Australia Ltd. in its Credit and Relationship Management areas.

Ms. Perkins has an Agricultural Science degree from the University of Western Australia and Masters in Business Administration from the Melbourne Business School. She is originally from a wheat and sheep farm in Western Australia.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A Gateway NAMA Happy Table

Happy TableWe had a good time at this month's meeting. See all the smiles?

These are mostly O & B folks. They pretty much took up a couple of tables. Of course they were our sponsors so they could take up as many tables as they wanted.

Thank you sponsors.

Becky Rasmussen At The Podium

Becky RasmussenHere's our fearless leader, Becky Rasmussen, Drake & Co., getting the meeting started yesterday.

Yay Becky! Good job!

If you didn't attend this month's meeting we've got more coming up.

Bringing Internet Access To Rural America

Tim GanshchowWe decided to post Tim Ganschow's (Agristar Global Networks) complete presentation on "Bringing Internet Access To Rural America." It may be a little long but it's well worth a listen. Tim said he has a written report on the subject of his talk. You can contact him to request a copy.

You can listent to Tim here: Tim Ganschow Presentation (19MB MP3 - 41 min.)

Following Tim's talk and business announcements from both organizations a group stayed to learn how to blog and why blogging is considered such an effective communications tool today. Additionally, the seminar contained information on podcasting and the use of RSS feeds. The seminar was conducted by Chuck Zimmerman, ZimmComm, who publishes AgWired.

Thanks to Osborn & Barr Communications for sponsoring the meeting.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Blogging At Gateway NAMA

The Gateway NAMA/St. Louis Ag Club meeing is over and we're blogging at the follow up seminar.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Subscribe To The Gateway NAMA Blog

For some reason we didn't ever activate the RSS feed of the site but that's now remedied. If you use a feed reader like NewsGator or Google Reader you can just paste this url into appropriate place to subscribe to our website: http://gatewaynama.blogspot.com/atom.xml

If you use a custom home page in Google or Yahoo you can also subscribe to the feed with the "add content" feature.

Email Chuck if you have any questions.